5 Specific Ways to use Wavemakers®

Clarity. Confidence. Connections. These are the things I’ve personally gained developing Wavemakers®.

I started developing Wavemakers® two years ago with the idea of helping other water exercise instructors get to the top of their game. I collaborated with people in and outside the industry who inspire me most. I tested ideas and discovered a formula that helps both new and experienced instructors deliver better and faster results.

Here are five ways Wavemakers® can help you grow as an instructor more than ever before (these are the exact learnings that helped me grow more in the past two years than in the last twenty-five that I’ve been teaching water exercise):


1. Discover how to help students work harder


water exercise

Before Wavemakers®, I used the perceived exertion scale. My participants worked hard. The problem was, I didn’t have the right vocabulary to empower my students to own their workouts.

After Wavemakers®, my coaching cues became specific and relatable. I saw light bulbs go on as participants understood what it takes to get results



2. Learn how to tap into your strengths and diversify your teaching style


Before Wavemakers®, I lived in my comfort zone, leading interval style formats most of the time.

After Wavemakers®, I can confidently ask students to move in six directions. It’s that easy. While interval training remains my go-to format, I tap into my new skills as a movement detective, artist, and scientist to build new combinations and workout formats with ease.




3. Reduce your planning time


Before Wavemakers®, I taught the same students year round, multiple times each week. I invested countless hours into putting together new routines.

After Wavemakers®, I cut my planning time to almost nothing. I learned simple, easy to understand principles from the industry’s best that helped me create a formula to simple planning. Not only did I have more clarity, but so did my students. Now more engaged with their workouts, my students were seeing better results.




4. Learn how to integrate the latest trends while staying true to the things that really work


Before Wavemakers®, I kept workouts variable. New routines is one of the things my students love most about my programming. Yet sometimes, I felt unsure of myself. Was I including what my students needed? How did I know if my students were achieving their best?

After Wavemakers®, I felt confident. Wavemakers® taught me a fool-proof system. Knowing how the joints and muscles work allows me to evaluate moves in a way that I can confidently say – yes, this is an exercise that I want to include, or this doesn’t fit the needs of my group.




5. Be inspired


Before Wavemakers®, I was itching to try something new. I wanted to push my students harder and help them get more out of our time together. I collaborated with the industry leaders who inspire me most. I tested ideas and discovered a formula that works for everyone, every single time.

After Wavemakers®, I continue to grow my skills. I can grow because I have a place to ask questions, sound out ideas, and experience true collaborative learning. Being at the top of my game as a water exercise coach has never felt so easy!



My participants see results. They trust me and are more willing to try new things with me because they know my workouts will always be safe, effective, and fun.

Now it’s time for me to share everything I learned with YOU!

It’s time you knew the things that accelerated my teaching skills faster in a few months than in the decades I’ve been an instructor. It’s time you became a part of a highly interactive learn-grow-share community where individually and collectively we get better.




Author: Laurie Denomme, Founder of WECOACH and Creator of Wavemakers®

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