Aqua Fitness: Master the ONE THING industry leaders have in common

Master the ONE THING aqua fitness industry leaders have in common.

The one thing all industry leaders do exceptionally well is vary their workouts. It’s the key to results. But it’s also easier said than done! It’s not an accident. Top water exercise professionals don’t just randomly put together exercises. They put together exercises that move the body in six directions.

Changing up your routine is easy when you know how to move in six directions. It’s one of the key concepts of Wavemakers®. This natural way to move gives the body what it needs to feel better. When you feel better, you want to move more. When you move more, you get stronger. When you get stronger, you’re able to do more of the activities that you enjoy most.

I love creating new aqua fitness programming in six-directions.

It’s remarkable what simply moving in six directions can do for you.

What’s even better? Learning how industry leaders use this six-directional thinking in their own, unique way.

Be a part of Wavemakers® to find out how:

  • USA all-star triathlete Lori Sherlock makes it possible for everyone to achieve better results.
  • Exercise physiologist Jeanmarie Scordino fast-tracks recovery after injury or surgery.
  • Kataqua Education Institute founder Katrien Lemahieu simplifies choreography.
  • USA swim coach and programming specialist Sue Nelson prepares exercise to reduce chronic pain.
  • Hydro-Actif Founder Steph Toogood creates shallow and deep water senior programming.

Wavemakers® mentorship and educational program, was created and developed based on my proven 6-7 Formula for water exercise.

What’s your niche? What do you have to share with others? What are your reasons for taking your water exercise coaching skills to the next level?

Whether you’ve been teaching water exercise for a few months or a few decades, Wavemakers will shift your creativity into high gear and change how you create and coach water exercise — forever.

Join me and people who inspire me in Wavemakers®. All you need is a passion for water exercise and willingness to try new things.

Author: Laurie Denomme, Founder of WECOACH and Creator of Wavemakers®

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