
We use water in a totally different way. This is feel-good exercise designed to help you move better.
Laurie Denomme

Step Up Your Water Workouts: The Essential Guide to Water Exercise Shoes

When it comes to enhancing your water exercise routine, you might not immediately think of shoes as a crucial piece of equipment. But wearing shoes can significantly improve your water workouts by providing added resistance, support, and stability. Let’s dive into why water exercise shoes are essential and how they can elevate your pool workouts.   5 reasons to wear shoes in water exercise   1. Foot health and protection Water exercise shoes protect your feet from rough pool surfaces, reducing the risk of cuts, scrapes, and other injuries. This is especially important for those with sensitive feet, diabetes, or lower leg issues such as neuropathy, where reduced sensation and

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Laurie Denomme

Water Weights for Water Exercise: The Secret Tool

When you think of water exercise, water weights might be the first thing that comes to mind. They can be amazing tools to add resistance and intensity to your workouts. But there’s a lesser-known tool that can absolutely revolutionize your water exercise routine and give you bigger and better results than ever: gloves. Often overlooked, gloves can act as water weights, providing the same benefits with added versatility and ease of use. Let’s dive in.   Why gloves are the secret to results in water exercise     1. Increases the resistance Wearing gloves during water exercise increases the surface area of your hands, similar to traditional water weights. This

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Laurie Denomme

The Best Low-Impact Exercise To Reduce Knee Pain

Staying mobile as we age is key if we want to keep up with our younger family, those exciting vacations, and a weekly round of golf. Aches and pains might seem like an inevitability, but they don’t have to be. One of the most effective exercises to help us with everyday movement is the hip hinge, especially for those suffering with daily pain; the benefits to the core, hips, and lower body might be the tonic you need. Let’s dive into the hip hinge; what it is, why you need it, and how your life will benefit.   What is hip hinging? Hip hinging is a functional movement that primarily

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Laurie Denomme

7 Steps to Getting Rid of Knee Pain with Water Exercise

Have you ever had pain that made you stop everything? I have. Earlier this year, a panicked jump to avoid stepping on a snake left me with a severe calf strain. Everything in my life was on hold. Of course I immediately wondered: how can water exercise help?  My mission: To find the quickest path to healing. I needed to get out of pain and restore normal movement, fast. Summer was here and my husband and I had an upcoming vacation just 3 weeks away where we planned to hike, golf and enjoy the outdoors every day. These are the steps I took to get me back to normal in

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Laurie Denomme

How Your Workout Intensity Can Change Your Life

When it comes to exercise, intensity can completely change the focus and results of your workout. Whether you’re jogging in the pool or performing a yoga pose, how intensely you approach the exercise determines which aspects of fitness you target—cardio, endurance, strength, flexibility, or cognitive function. The relationship between intensity and fitness components can be outlined using an intensity scale. For example, cardiorespiratory endurance spans a wide range of intensities from light to very hard, while muscular strength and endurance requires greater effort, typically at higher intensities. Interestingly, flexibility and neuromotor function do not have specific intensity recommendations, as these are best served by focusing on feeling the movement itself

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Laurie Denomme

What Is Exercise Intensity And How Does It Affect Your Results?

When it comes to workouts, we can too often equate intensity with sheer hard work, believing that pushing ourselves to the limit is the only way to achieve results. But what if we start to see intensity as a spectrum? What if intensity doesn’t necessarily mean pushing yourself to your limit, but relates to a scale working from complete rest to maximum effort? What if—and here’s the kicker—every single point on this spectrum plays a crucial role in your overall fitness progress? Good news: the intensity spectrum is here to save you from maximum effort or bust. Striking the right balance between effort and ease is key to optimizing your

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