BioExercise: Strengthen your Body. Sharpen your Mind.



BioExercise is a new exercise program that combines activities for the body and mind to improve total body functionality.  It helps participants address the physical and mental needs of their bodies as they age.  The result: improved physical and cognitive health.


Accelerated Aging


Advancing technology and urbanization has created millions of desk jobs and long commutes, entailing longer hours sitting. Although technology makes things easier, the results are causing people to think and move less. In fact, the ease of technology has enabled us to become so “connected” that we have actually become dangerously “disconnected” from our minds and bodies.



Aging Gracefully


With age you expect physical changes to vision, hearing and muscle tone. But, thankfully an active lifestyle can help slow physical changes and improve muscle strength, bone density and balance (even at an older age). Did you know … the brain, like the rest of the body needs to be worked? Just like physical exercise is designed to strengthen the heart and muscles, use of mental exercises helps maintain a fit and flexible mind.


How does BioExercise Work?


  1. Purposeful physical exercise


  1. Brain boosting techniques stimulates new thinking, problem solving, and other cerebral functions:
  • Mirroring: Reflecting movement of another individual
  • Social interaction: Acting and reacting between two or more individuals
  • Repetition with variation: Performance of a familiar exercise in different ways
  • Problem solving: Use of logic, interpretation and abstract thinking
  • Multi-tasking: Handling of more than one task at the same time
  • Individualized training experiences: Personalized exercises that meet individual needs
  • Fun: Enjoyment and playfulness


  1. Personalized Programming led and motivated by trained BioExercise™ Coaches
  • Dedicated time in every session to practice individually assigned exercises
  • Graded intervals help establish individualized working intensity
  • Fun and innovative ways to move (that feel good) deliver a better exercise experience


Who is BioExercise for?


The focus on activities for both the body and mind make BioExercise™ especially beneficial for people over 50. The flexibility of the program makes it easy to apply to one-to-one physical therapy or specialized formats like AEA Arthritis Foundation workouts.


Learn to teach BioExericse


  1. A new exercise program combining activities for the body and mind.
  2. Purposeful exercises that improve total body functionality.
  3. A vertical shallow-water exercise program.
  4. Supported by research and substantiated by anecdotal evidence.
  5. Adaptable for all populations and fitness levels.
  6. Appropriate for rehab, conditioning, and performance training.


Join Us


BioExercise was created and developed by international fitness leaders Katrien Lemahieu and Laurie Denomme.  This award-winning duo is passionately committed to educating, motivating and supporting BioExercise™ coaches.


Katrien Lemahieu and Laurie Denomme





Change Starts with BioExercise

‘best new water exercise program for seniors’

‘It makes me work hard, think fast and have fun in moving’

Strengthen your body.  Sharpen your mind.


Author: Laurie Denomme, Founder of WECOACH and Creator of Wavemakers®

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