3 Stretches Vital To A Morning Routine

Get up and go with three easy exercises! Whether you are at home or traveling, my favorite stretch routine can be used to reduce morning stiffness, reverse the effects of prolonged sitting or as a warm-up for any workout I’d like to invite you to try – pivot, plank and swing.


3 Stretches You Can Do Every Morning

Help reduce stiffness and energize the body with this simple morning stretching routine.

Each exercise follows an important principle that guides all WECOACH workouts: Move the body in 6 natural directions. If you’ve been following along then you already know these are:

  1. Forward
  2. Backward
  3. Right lateral
  4. Left lateral
  5. Rotate right
  6. Rotate left

For the first two exercises, start with two hands on the bed (a steady chair or wall works too).



1. Pivot


A Pivot can be defined as moving or turning around a fixed point. In this exercise, we are using one foot as our pivot point.  The other leg steps in 6 directions:

  • Forward and backwards
  • Side to side
  • Rotate right and left

Coach Tips:

  • Relax the shoulders.
  • Keep a slight bend in both knees at all times
  • Reach the moving leg in a comfortable range
  • Move at a slow and steady pace

Placing both hands on the bed stabilizes the upper body and increases the intensity of the stretch felt not only through the legs but up through the core and upper body.


2. Plank


The Plank. In a previous blog, 5 Best Exercises for Back Pain, we explored why a moving plank is superior to holding in place. Get ready in a push up position and start moving your hips in the same six directions you used for the pivot:

  • Forward and backwards
  • Side to side
  • Rotate right and left

Coach Tips:

  • Relax the shoulders
  • If you feel wrist discomfort, try a fist instead
  • Reach the hips in a comfortable range
  • Move at a slow and steady pace

What one feels best for you?  If you’re like me, you may want to do a few extra rotating planks because they feel so good!

Swing is the final exercise.


3. Swing


Different from the other two, you’ll start standing upright with your feet in a comfortable position. Swing one arm overhead by reaching:


  • Front to back
  • Side to side
  • Rotate right and left (at shoulder height)

Coach Tips:

  • If you have shoulder pain, keep the swing below the shoulders
  • Use momentum so you feel the stretch from your hand to your toes!
  • Try the rotational reach on an angle (like hitting a backhand in tennis)


Take These Exercises to the Pool

Taking this routine to the pool is easy!

  1. The pivot becomes a single leg balance reach
  2. Use a pool wall or noodle for planking
  3. The swing becomes a reach as you work in 6 directions to stretch and strengthen the arm below the surface of the water


WECOACH Workouts

If are suffering from arthritis, back pain or are in need of knee and hip strengthening, WECOACH Workouts can help! The above routine is much like the WECOACH land videos in that is it easy on your joints, yet provides whole body flexibility and strength.

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