Exercise Guidelines for Chronic Pain

Suffer with chronic pain? I know how life-changing and debilitating it can be. Osteopath and Fellow of Applied Functional Science Dr. Grant Burrows sheds an enlightening perspective on pain: most pain is associated with tissue damage. The explanation of how chronic...

7 Benefits of Water Exercise

It’s proven: doing water exercise two to three times a week can have significant improvements in strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. It can also decrease the risk of disability, improve balance, and increase your ability to perform daily activities...

Top 3 Water Exercise Essentials

Get the Gear! You need 3 essentials for water exercise: Swimwear, Water shoes A bottle of water As part of your swimwear, consider a UV protective long sleeve shirt to block the sun or help keep you warm. Wear Water Shoes Why wear shoes in the pool? Absorb forces. ...

7 Basic Foot Positions for Water Exercise

Using different foot positions in your water workouts can give you a surprising boost in the results you see. You can use this simple trick with any of your favorite exercises, such as squats, bicep curls, an overhead press or maybe something a little gentler like a...