Jul 23, 2015 | Arthritis, Exercise Tips, Research
Suffer with chronic pain? I know how life-changing and debilitating it can be. Osteopath and Fellow of Applied Functional Science Dr. Grant Burrows sheds an enlightening perspective on pain: most pain is associated with tissue damage. The explanation of how chronic...
Jul 16, 2015 | Exercise Tips, Lower Body, Upper Body
How to Build Strength at an Older Age The most important factor to an individual’s functional capacity is strength. After an average of 18-20 weeks of progressive resistance training, an adult can add 2.42 pounds of lean muscle to their body mass and increase their...
Jul 9, 2015 | Exercise Tips
It’s proven: doing water exercise two to three times a week can have significant improvements in strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. It can also decrease the risk of disability, improve balance, and increase your ability to perform daily activities...
Jul 2, 2015 | Exercise Tips
Get the Gear! You need 3 essentials for water exercise: Swimwear, Water shoes A bottle of water As part of your swimwear, consider a UV protective long sleeve shirt to block the sun or help keep you warm. Wear Water Shoes Why wear shoes in the pool? Absorb forces. ...
Jun 25, 2015 | Exercise Tips, Lower Body
Using different foot positions in your water workouts can give you a surprising boost in the results you see. You can use this simple trick with any of your favorite exercises, such as squats, bicep curls, an overhead press or maybe something a little gentler like a...