Squat Perfection

Squat Perfection – Step 1: Learn the Move


Practice makes perfect. We all know that, but how many of us commit to doing the same exercise day in and day out for a month? I can’t tell you how proud I am of everyone who joined my challenge.

In week 1 of the WECOACH 3D Squat Challenge you learned 7 squat variations – and we used two tips to help facilitate good movement mechanics:

  • Press the hips back
  • Move in a comfortable range


Squat Perfection – Step 2: Do the Move


Mastering of movement requires practice. We all know that increasing the number of repetitions improves muscle strength and endurance, but did you know that you can accelerate mastery of movement and achieve squat perfection by stimulating the unconscious mind?

Let’s think about that for a second. Even if you try, you can’t forget how to do certain things, like swim or ride a bike. That’s because part of that learning process happened in your unconscious mind. Stimulating this unconscious movement process is essential to learning, and it’s closely tied with — you guessed it — repetition!

What happens when you get up out of a chair? Abdominals flex the trunk forward. Quads prepare to activate. Then gluts, abs, and quads engage together. We don’t have to think about every muscle action. We reach back into our unconscious mind and just do.



Squat Challenge


If you missed week 1, you can catch up in week 2. Read the 3D Squat Challenge blog article and start following along.

Week 2 is about building stronger mind body connections to facilitate more efficient movement. Let’s talk about the hip hinge. In week 1, I talked about pressing your hips back and moving in a comfortable range. Sometimes, this is enough. Other times, clients need a little more help to achieve squat perfection.

Take a look at this squat. Can you identify movement mechanics that could use some refinement?


What has changed with this squat?

Can you see the hip hinge? Can you feel the stretch being placed on the back of the hip?  The arm reach creates the response we want – hips back, hinge forward, before lowering the body to effectively engage the glutes!  The bonus to this exercise — ab work. The abdominals are lengthened and strengthened as the arm reaches up and down.

In the pool? A stairway handrail can help facilitate squat perfection. Simply hold onto the handrail and press the hips back.


In week 2, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and move into the growth zone. Thank you for being a part of my WECOACH 3D Squat Challenge. I can’t wait to hear how you’ve enjoyed this challenge and what you’ve gotten out of your commitment to fitness.


Author: Laurie Denomme, Founder of WECOACH and Creator of Wavemakers®

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