A Guide to Common Sense Exercising

Do you have movement literacy? You’re probably scratching your head wondering what movement literacy is. We understand reading literacy and even math literacy. In fact, our schools spend the majority of the day ensuring our children have the ability to develop...

Meet the Coach: Lori Sherlock

What Does “Being Healthy” Mean to You?  If you want to be successful in reaching your fitness goals, you have to develop consistent habits.  Over the next few months, we’re giving you an inside look at how the WECOACH team members stay healthy and fit. ...

5 Best Exercises for Knee Pain

Did you know that knee pain can be the result of limitations at the ankle or hip? Said best by Gary Gray, founder of the Gray Institute:  “The knee is caught in the middle with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide”.  The knee has no choice but to tag along after the...

Exercise Guidelines for Chronic Pain

Suffer with chronic pain? I know how life-changing and debilitating it can be. Osteopath and Fellow of Applied Functional Science Dr. Grant Burrows sheds an enlightening perspective on pain: most pain is associated with tissue damage. The explanation of how chronic...

7 Benefits of Water Exercise

It’s proven: doing water exercise two to three times a week can have significant improvements in strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. It can also decrease the risk of disability, improve balance, and increase your ability to perform daily activities...