Body Talk for Better Balance

Balance is best trained by speaking to the body in a language it understands.  Andrea Wasylow, PT explains:  “Balance requires the ability of the neurological system to successfully receive information, process that information, and then convey an appropriate motor...

Balance Training in 6 Directions

Have you seen the V8 commercial where the personal trainer asks the client if they ate their vegetables today? When the client answers “no”, the trainer knocks him on the forehead as if to say “duh”. I had this kind of “ah-ha” moment with a client as we evaluated her...

COREssentials for Water Exercise

Check out the photo below. Do you see a 9 or a 6? What you see depends on where you are sitting in relation to the picture. The person sitting towards the viewer sees a 9 while the person facing away sees a 6. Elizabeth Banks, a Gray Institute Fellow of Applied...

Move in 6 Directions for Better Exercise Results

In 2011, I entered the Gray Institute fellowship program. I thought I was going to enhance my understanding of anatomy and biomechanics. And yes, I did become more familiar with muscles and movement, but more importantly, the Gray Institute connected everything I...

Fat Burning Water Workout: HI-YO Intervals

One of the most commonly asked questions to aquatic fitness professionals is, “what is the best fat burning workout?” Although there is no “best way”, the bottom line is the more calories that are burned, the greater the potential for fat loss.  There are...